Mendaftar Marketiva Langkah Demi Langkah

CARA DAFTAR VALAS Forex Trading Valas Secara Online itu mudah, mari saya tunjukkan langkah langkahnya.
A. Untuk membuka Account trading, Silahkan isi form disini
Dalam tiga menit anda sudah akan bisa langsung trading, Anda akan mendapatkan haridah $5 gratis dan uang virtual untuk berlatih trading sebesar $10.000.

                  Anda harus memasukkan data personal dengan benar, mulai dari Nama Lengkap, Alamat, Nomor Telepon, Kode Pos, Kota dan Negara. User yang memasukkan data palsu atau asal asalan maka akan dihapus otomatis oleh sistem. Setiap orang hanya boleh membuat 1 account saja, karena bila anda membuat lebih dari 1 account, maka anda akan diblok. Karena itu anda akan diwajibkan memasukkan data sebenar-benarnya sesuai ID card (KTP) atau Driving License (SIM), karena KTP atau SIM ini akan diminta upload nantinya.

Cara Mengisi Form Pendaftaran:
Untuk field dengan tanda bintang (*) harus Anda isi, yang lain boleh Anda kosongkan.
  1. Username (*): Gunakan username/nickname yang bagus, karena akan Anda gunakan untuk chatting dengan sesama trader, misalnya: traderfx, dsb.
  2. Password (*): Kata sandi anda, minimal 8 karakter gabungan huruf dan angka.
  3. First Name (*): Nama depan Anda
  4. Middle Initial: Nama tengah inisial Anda (1 karakter), kosongkan saja (jika anda tak memiliki nama tengah) atau masukkan nama tengah anda ke Last Name (jika anda memiliki nama tengah)
  5. Last Name (*): Nama belakang Anda, jika nama Anda hanya terdiri dari satu suku kata, masukkan nama Anda tersebut di field First Name dan Last Name. Contoh: jika nama Anda adalah Johny, maka masukkan First Name: Johny, Last Name: Johny.
  6. Job Title : Kosongkan saja jika nama di ID/KTP atau driving license/SIM anda tak ada gelar atau isikan Gelar ke kolom ini (jika ada gelar di ID/KTP atau driving license/SIM)
  7. Organization : Kosongkan
  8. Street Address (*): Alamat sesuai dengan ID/KTP atau driving license/SIM Anda.
  9. Additional Address : Kosongkan atau dapat anda isi alamat anda selain yang tercantum di ID/KTP atau driving license/SIM
  10. City (*): Kota Anda sesuai dengan ID/KTP atau driving license/SIM Anda
  11. Zip/Postal Code (*): Kode Pos
  12. State/Province (*): Propinsi misalnya Jawa Barat
  13. Country/Region (*): Negara
  14. Phone (*): Nomer Telpon
  15. Fax : Kosongkan
  16. Mobile : Kosongkan atau isi dengan nomer cellular phone anda
  17. E-mail (*): Alamat e-mail Anda (Harus masih aktif!)
  18. Website : Kosongkan atau isi dengan website anda
Klik tombol Continue=>
  1. User Template (*): Standar Forex Trader
  2. Coupon: Kosongkan bila tak ada orang yang mereferensikan anda (kupon bukan berarti diskon, tapi hanya untuk menandai bahwa anda downline seseorang)
  3. Recovery Question (*): Pertanyaan untuk memulihkan password anda jika lupa, contoh what is your pet's name? (Apa nama hewan peliharaan anda?)
  4. Recovery Answer (*): Jawaban dari pertanyaan Recovery di atas, contoh: Si Manis Jembatan Ancol, maka Isikankan Si Manis Jembatan Ancol apabila nama hewan kesayangan anda adalah Si Manis Jembatan Ancol, disarankan jawaban terdiri dari beberapa kata yang mudah anda ingat, tapi sulit ditebak oleh orang lain.

Berilah tanda centang/check/tick pada pilihan:
I have read, understood, and agree with the Service Agreement under which Marketiva Corporation provides it services and products. I have also read and understood the Risk Disclosure statement and I am willing and able to assume such risks.

Setelah itu klik tombol Finish. Proses pendaftaran Anda telah selesai.

English Version
Business with Forex Capital Trading Forex Online without a dime at Marketiva! Free Bonus $ 5 When Registration, Legal, No Commission Fee, No Overnight, No Interest, Spread 2, Trading Can Only with $ 1, Deposit and withdrawal with LibertyReserve, Wire Transfer, E-bullion, e-dinar, and webmoney. Let's Make Business Opportunities Marketiva Forex Trading Online Forex to Make Money on the Internet. Let's Learn Forex Trading Online

Marketiva, All Business for Best

Marketiva forex Playing it feels a little tense but also fun, play Marketiva become menangtang because I wanted to learn how to play forex techniques and how forex works. Before I joined my marketiva looking for the right article about Marketiva. Of the many articles I read so I can get some conclusions.

Advantages of Online Forex Trading:

* Small Capital Laverage: With the margin system allows investors to make large volumes with relatively small capital.

* Two Ways Opportunity: Two-way trade opportunities, a long position: buying or selling based on the prediction of first crush will go up or down (Trends). Suppose you took a position at that time buy (Buy) and it turns out tesebut currency price movements showed a significant rising trend, then you can take advantage of the excess purchase price is by closing your buying position by selling (Take Profit), and vice versa if you take a short position: sales (Sell) first and then the currency price movement experienced a decrease trend, then you also can take advantage by closing your position by selling it (Take Profit). Diharga BUY low, SELL high diharga = profit or high diharga SELL, BUY low diharga = profit

* High Liquidity: Capital invested at any time can easily be melted again, a lot of funds disbursement methods and additional capital.

* Flexible and no Constribution Necessary Time Management: 24 hours a day starting from Monday to Friday, anywhere and anytime you can make transactions as long as you are connected to the Internet. This investment is not much time to its management compared with other businesses.

* No Man Power Cost and No Taxation: No need for labor costs. This trade occurred globally between the center - the world's financial center with the involvement of banks - the world's major banks as the main executor of this transaction. This business is growing so rapidly in the recent period by about 30 percent tikat pertubuhan pertahunya. This currency trading is one of the volume of trade turnover and the largest circulation of money in the world and currently number around USD 1.5 trillion every day. The large volume of rotation is the form of a market that is perfect competition because none of the participants in this trade has a function as a determinant of price.

Schedule of world capital markets open

* 4:30 pm: New Zealand Exchange
* 5:30 pm: Sydney Stock Exchange
* 7:00 am: Tokyo Stock Exchange (Market Open)
* 8:45 pm: Hong Kong Stock Exchange
* 09.00 am: Singapore Stock Exchange
* 9:30 pm: Jakarta Stock Exchange
* 14:30 pm: European Exchange and the London Exchange
* 19:30 pm: New York Stock Exchange
* 04.00 pm: New York Stock Exchange (Market on Close)

About Marketiva

What is Markeiva?
Marketiva is an international brokerage firms and legal professionals, based in Switzerland, with international consent IBC CAP.291 REG. NO. 646 819. Marktiva is a website that provides the means to play in Real Forex, which is real is all what you do follow the same procedure as the one on Foreign Exchange and uses real data of currency movements in real-time changes continuously every second.

What are the advantages of using Marektiva?
With Marketiv Forex then you can play wherever you are, as long as there are computer and Internet connection, be it at home, at work, in travel, as well as in cyber cafe. Also you do not need to deal with the Broker nor any person in the transaction, you are free to use your own money and do their own transactions without any interference whatsoever and without having to pay a fee or service fee to anyone. to determine the benefits you want and to stop the transaction in progress whenever you want. So the risk of loss can be reduced to a minimum.

Marketiva Excellence

* Open a Free Account, please click here.
* Get a cash bonus of $ 5, also FREE.
* Only with a $ 1 was able to trade.
* Security is pretty good.
* Getting the software for trading in real time.
* Support Malay / Indonesian 24 / 5.

How much money do I need to start online forex trading at Marketiva this?

Financial companies in general, which requires a minimum of U.S. $ 2500 for opening a regular account and U.S. $ 250 for mini account, but in Marketiva, you just need the money for 1 USD to be able to start trading forex online, no commissions, no exchange fees, no overnight interest rate (0% overnight interest), low spreads (2 pips), the latest news, alerts and trading signal free, live chat support 24 hours nonstop and you even get a capital of $ 5US for free when you register the first time
. In other words, to start trading forex online at Marketiva is free!

How do transactions in Marketiva?

Marketiva Forex market is a 24-hour continuous form Endeavor IMS open at 2:00 Sunday afternoon New York time with a market cap of Sydney-Auckland IMS at 17:00 until Friday in New York. Following the FX trading day around the world: Tokyo opened on 9 FOLLOWING Sydney, London Starts at 02:00 and finally New York Takes Over at 8. Seamless 24 hour nature of the FX market traders provide a unique experience to react to the news and developments around the world instantly, in real time Participate in the largest trading market in the world.
No preferred stock market, there is no restriction on short selling. Potential gains in the currency market there Irrespective of whether a trader is long or short, or how the market is moving. Since currency trading always involves PURCHASE another one currency and selling, no structural bias to the market. This means that traders have the same potential advantages in the market rise, or fall.
Large forex dealers usually charge no commission or transaction Currency trading online spot foreign exchange or by telephone. In the equity market traders must-pay spread and commissions. The structure of over-the counter stock exchange forex market and the cost of clearing s eliminate.The, which in turn reduce the "transaction costs. Weitere Is Reduced by the cost efficiencies created by the market of electronic Pure Direct That Allows clients to deal with market makers, Costs and Eliminates Second ticket brokers. Because the currency market liquidity Offering round-the-clock, traders Receive tight, competitive spreads Both intra-day and night. Equity traders Liquidity Risk Is More Susceptible and handle spread Typically Receive WIDER, DURING Especially after trading hours.

Enables Greater Than Forex leverage equities, futures or options market. Forex traders choose a dog up to 1:500 leverage.
Leverage is a double-edged sword. Without proper risk management this high leverage causes the dog to large losses as well as input gain.
Forex spot market is a market of $ 2.0 trillion every day, so the largest and MOST liquid market in the world. This dog the market absorbed the trading volume and transaction size Capacity Each It dwarfs any other market. If you compare this to the $ 30 billion per day clear the futures market Futures Market Becoming That Provides only limited liquidity. The market is always liquid, meaning positions can be liquidated and stop orders executed without slippage.
Reason Prefer Forex
No Middlemen Centralized Exchange Provides Many Advantages merchants. However, one problem with centralization and Stock exchange is the involvement of middlemen. Any party located in between the trader and the buyer or seller of a security or instrument traded They will cost money. Can not know the cost in time or cost. Spot currency trading does away with middlemen and allows clients to interact directly with market-makers responsible for the price in a particular currency pair. Forex traders get Access Fast and low cost.
Buy / Sell Program Control Market Not How Many Times Have You Heard That "Fund" WS sell "X" or PURCHASE "Z"? Rumors have it that the funds benefit Are Taking Since the end of the financial year or because today is "triple witching day", all as an explanation why this stock is up or the market in general is down or positive on the session. The stock market is very susceptible to large fund buying and selling, and not seldom the funds to run a particular issue for a few days. In spot currency trading, Forex and Stock Market Liquidity Make the chances of any fund or bank to control a particular currency very slim. Bank hedge funds,, government, houses retail currency conversion and individual net worth of Is it only a few PARTICIPANTS in place Where the Money Market Liquidity that has never happened before.
Analysts and brokers COMPANY Are tend Influence Do you watch television market lately? Un heard of certain Internet stock and an analyst of a prestigious brokerage firm recommendations Accused of Keeping s IMS, such as "buy" when the stock WAS Rapid Decline?
It is the nature of these relationships. No Matter What the Government not to go in and prevent this type of activity, we have not heard that last one. IPOs Are Both big business for companies going public and brokerage houses. Relationships and Analyst Are Mutually beneficial work for brokerage houses It took the company as a client. That's 22-catch will never be lost. Foreign exchange, as the primary market, generativity billion in revenue for banks in the world and is the global market needs. Analysts in foreign exchange do not drive the deal flow, they just analyze the forex market.

8000 stocks versus 4 major currency pairs There Is Approximately 4500 stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
3.500 Do other listed on NASDAQ. Which one will you trade? Have time to stay on top Companies So Much? In spot currency trading, You Have the four main markets, 24 hours a day 5.5 days a week. Concentrate on the majors and find your trade.

Information Regulation

MM DOO Marketiva is a limited company incorporated in the Republic of Montenegro by registration number 5-0557722. Because over-the-counter market making services Is Not In the Framework of the Securities Commission of the Republic of Montenegro (CSNM) MM DOO Marketiva is working with the legal and compliance constantly COMPANY based in the EU to make STI services Fully compatible with the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive ( MiFID) s, which is the U.S. Harmonized laws that provide financial services to regulations in member countries of the European Union.

In addition to supporting Retrieved Various resolutions and channels, our clients use the Financial Information and Complaint Resolution System (FICRS). This is a website that presents comprehensive information Autonomous self-regulatory, and enables clients to Continue to monitor our financial condition Marketiva MM DOO married and when to submit a complaint in the client satisfied with the answer Are Not Received By our standards support and channel resolution

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